Friday, 18 October 2013

F1 - Economy & Awful Sounds

This morning Honda gave us a "treat" in the form of a YouTube video. "What was in this YouTube video?"I hear you ask. Well not a lot - would be the short answer. 

The video was in fact an audio track they have recorded of the latest development on their 2015 series F1 engine. Fans of the racing series will know that Honda engines will be powering McLaren race cars in 2015 - when regulations will have changed meaning the engines must be 1.6 litre 6-pot turbo'd lumps. 

We have been told this is to increase the racing excitement and make competition fiercer, we can't help but feel though there is some green-party nonsense working in the background to make the sport more eco-friendly and kind to Jonny-polar bear. 

Now we aren't evil, Mr Polar Bear should keep his home but is it right to throttle back - if you excuse the pun - such a serious racing series? How this will affect the speeds the cars reach, and consequently how quickly they get there - nobody really knows yet. What we are sure of though is how the new engines will sound; and I for one am not impressed. 

What we have done to demonstrate clearly to you exactly what we mean, is list two videos below. The top one is video and audio footage of a 90's Renault V10 F1 engine, the bottom - Honda's video plucked fresh from YouTube this morning. YOU tell US which sounds fiercer!

We really hope this is a well engineered prank...

Words Andy Pilcher        Images Rick Dikeman

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